Entity Studio 0.1 Beta Readme

*** Generate Code !! Fast And How!! ***

By Anoop Madhusudanan




This project comes with GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See License.htm . Provide credits whereever applicable.


A. Brief Overview

The general design goal is to create a  project which can design entity relationship diagrams, to generate database and program code out of it. ER diagrams can be imported from databases and existing program code (classes). An Entity relationship diagram is something like a relationship diagram you see in Microsoft Access. This project provides a small environment to work with ER diagrams, an XML language and its DOM to describe these ER diagrams, and a control that can be used to visually represent these ER Diagrams.

Presently, it can 

I am working on a plugin interface. So, by next release, you can write your own plugins to import and export diagram/code from a variety of platforms.

The whole project group consists of three major projects.

Entity Studio

Entity Designer Schema Control

Schema Model ActiveX Library

Plugin Projects

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B. Quick Start

Follow the below steps to get a better picture.

  1. Open Schema.vbg in Visual Basic
  2. Select File->Import From-> Access 97 Database. In the Open DAO dialog box, select an Access 97 database. For example, open the Nwind.mdb in your Visual Basic folder.  The database will be imported, and now you should see the Entity diagram of this database.
  3. Once you have your entity diagram, You can double click almost any field in an entity, to edit it's properties in the schema. (Remember, we are still at beta stage, so some limitations apply)
  4. Click File->Export To->Active Server Pages to bring up the Generate ASP Code dialog box
  5. Type the name and the path. The path should be your IIS website root location (eg: c:\inetpub\wwwroot) and the name can be any valid folder name (say nwind). Click OK
  6. After the project creation is complete, try it in your browser . eg: http://localhost/nwind. Ofcourse, you need Internet Information Server installed to interpret these ASP files.
  7. Click File->Save Schema (optional) if you need to save the schema to an XML file, for opening it later.

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C. Schema Control

Important functions include


D. Schema Model (ER DOM)

This Entity Relationship DOM will be used in future by import and export plugins, to import and export ER information from/to the system. 

This DOM is now capable of

If you are interested, carefully study the IterateAll function in SchemaModelTest project (Make it the startup project and then run). This way, you can get some light towards importing ER information to the schema, and exporting it to the code.


Creating ASP Projects

You can customize the files in <entitystudiofolder>\Export\ASP folder, to customize the style, appearence and control code of the asp projects.

Important: You can find some schemas in the Entity Studio Schemas folder. You can view them, but after creating ASP code from them, they asp site won't work because the actual databases are not included. 

At a later stage, Entity Studio may support generating databases from these schemas too :).

Now, you can use your own databases to create schemas and generate code from them, as explained in the above quick start.


By An 'oop' Madhusudanan
